The universal experimental box for behavioral research
The FBI.BOX is a multimedia-enabled (colour touch screen and audio) experimental animal testing box that utilises advanced technologies to provide simple and complex behavioral tasks. This robust box is suitable for pigeons, rats, guinea pigs and mice. Training and analyzing animal behaviour with the FBI-box is so much easier for both – the animal and the lab personell.

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One box for various tasks
Visual and acoustic stimuli (incl. video) can be presented with high graphical and temporal resolution (in ranges of milliseconds). The mechanical setup of the box can be changed within minutes. No more pick discs, lights or levers are needed: nose touch, paw pressure or beak pick can be presisely localized. This facilitates experimental setups for visual (half)field presentations and compensatory head/eye movement. Experimental animals learn a task more quickly because they can be trained easier, faster and without delay. Modules with traditional lights, levers, or pecking disks can be ordered, too.

Made by scientists for scientists
We take competent service seriously and are happy to help you plan your experiments. We use an internet-based problem handling system and provide a news and information forum where users can share their experiences.
Open interface
With our system and the available extensions you can also access existing information and database systems.
Easy configuration
Control the flow of your experiments with a “script” – no programming knowledge is required to design the complete setup of your experiments. The design system and the clear structure of our software, as well as the intuitive script language accelerate the development of experimental set-ups. Standard experiments are already available (e.g. go/no go, fored choice, short-term memory). The software can control up to 30 FBI boxes independently, synchronously or asynchronously. All functions can communicate in real time with each other or with other programs. You have full control over running processes and have online access to raw or analyzed data.
Complete packages
The modular box is supplied with two touch-screen displays, a feeder and an infrared surveillance camera. The box can be ordered either with a desktop PC system or with a professional notebook. The hardware interface, which can be used to control serveral boxes, is delivered with the first box.
48 channels, freely configurable with
– 16-bit timer/counter (separate prescaler, comparator and acquisition mode)
– Nanosecond gates and comparators
– real-time counter
– 16bit pulse width modulated channels
– 16bit ADCs up to 150 kHz
– USARTs, I2C, IEEE 1149.1, M/S SPI, USB
– RISC, PLD and memory onboard

Easy adaption
Various displays, controls, feeding mechanisms and sensors are available and can be quickly and easily be attached to the FBI box. Due to the robust and lightweight aluminium/acrylic construction, the cage can also be transported easily. Cables and connections can be kept to a minimum by using wireless transmission. Space inside of the box can be reduced with appropriate dividers. In addition, the box is available in two different overall sizes. We have a wide range of accessories for the basic FBI box: just get the equipment your really need. If you have special requirements, the FBI Box according to your needs. Even in harsh environments, the FBI box garantees reliability. The design concept supports easy cleaning – the SPF version can also be autoclaved.
Network compatibility
The built-in infrared camera and the remote controllability of the software enables the control and monitoring of the FBI box from any computer connected to the inter- or intranet.
Battery operated on demand
If you choose the option with notebook, you can work for hours without a power cable connected. In addition, the WLAN option provides wireless network access.

Buschmann, J-U.F., Bourdonnaise, M., Dittrich, L. &
Güntürkün, O.
spotted‘ – How pigeons choose distinguished features of visual
stimuli depicting humans“
In Vorbereitung
Buschmann, J-U.F., Kesch, S. & Güntürkün,
O. (2006)
„What you see is what you
pick – A novel method for detecting the suspected attention focus of
Zur Veröffentlichung eingereicht
Patton, T., Yelda, S., Buschmann, J-U.F., Troje, NF. &
Shimizu, T. (2003)
Courtship displays of male
pigeons can be triggered by video-taped and computer-animated
Präsentiert auf der „Conference
for Comparative Cognition“, Melbourne, Florida.
Buschmann, J-U.F. (2001)
Common and
dissimilar factors of acquisition and extinction in chickens and
rats as observed during operant conditioning.
Apfelbach, R., Fendt, M, Krämer, S. & Siemers, BM. (Eds.),
Advances in Ethology: 36 (Supplements to Ethology). Tübingen,
Blackwell Science.
Buschmann, J-U.F. (2001)
microstructure indicates cognitive learning unit in rats and
In: N. Elsner & R. Wehner (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 28th Neurobiology Conference: Vol. 2. (p. 666).
Stuttgart, New York, Thieme Verlag.
Buschmann, J-U.F.
A Comparative Study of Operant
Conditioning and Extinction in Wistar Rats and Chickens.
„National University of Ireland“, Galway.